At War With Me

Photo credit: clarita from

I have yet to breathe
enough hours to rid
my mind of you

acquiring enough minutes
to spend contemplating
your soul

defying every second
that your existence
spills away

fearing the day
you forever take leave
from my life

It's not possible for me to love you,
yet I find myself trying


~ Written for dVerse Poets
Please leave me your thoughts below and connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. very interesting...for me this sounds like talking to the self (or someone very, very close...), that part that is not so visible, that may makes things difficult and yet we know we have to look at it/as us as a whole and we need both trying to love...

    1. Claudia... I love your take on my poems! It is me talking with myself, but I want the reader to identify with it however they choose.Thank you for coming by!

  2. what a contrast in those last two lines....and through out...the emotions kinda swirl here and there....

    1. and sometimes we just try cause that is the best we can do...and cant think of otherwise...

    2. I love your comments on my poems as well! I love to take you guys through my thought process... exactly like it went through my mind. That's why my poems seem a little crazy, but we all don't think in complete sentences or in sequence. Thank you so much for coming by!

  3. Oh I like this, the sense of rebelling against your feelings, your heart, your self... nicely done.

  4. Rebelling against those parts of ourselves that we don't/won't/can't like! Great take on the prompt. Tony

  5. Sounds like a love-hate relationship to me. You've captured the difficulties of such a relationship very well in this poem.

  6. Those yoyo battles can definitely leave you breathless.

  7. this poem was a real push/pull of emotions....and I got a sense of this being very personal and directed inwards (even though it could be read otherwise) difficult to rebel against warped thoughts, warped ways of thinking that may have been with us for a long time, and in contrast, their absence, or thought of their absence can b equally frightening...this is a very intelligent poem

    1. Thank you so much!It is very personal and I'm so glad I could share it with you guys.

  8. when you try to love, it will never work. it has to come like a flow...

    dear brother

    1. I agree!In the long run... it always ends badly.

  9. Now this is cool. Oh the internal battles that fuel our lives.

  10. I like the voice..specially the last lines...I find myself having this conversation too ~ Lovely share ~

    1. Thank you Heaven! I really appreciate you taking the time to read.

  11. Really like those last lines as well

  12. Wonderful piece; tension of the opposites duking it out while I sit here in Pasadena wondering if I should send one of my selves out to play - on the freeway. So it goes, soul learning time perhaps; we are infinitely human and divine, and I think the transformation process is not an easy one. Have you read Hinds Feet In High Places or something like that. I also dip into the Baha'i Writings. Thanks for voicing your stuff; hugs and love

  13. I love the resigned beauty of this piece and the art goes well with the words! Well done!


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