Fear of the Future


Beads of water trickle down my face
Converging with salty tears
My hair, like fire, a mess of matted curls
As the rain attempts to beat me down
From a souless sky

Standing there...
Amid the darkness
Waiting for the night to swallow me whole
Fearless thoughts racing through my mind
My body chilled and aching from cold

Numb to it all
No other soul but me in sight
No one but me and lonely dark night
You ask "Why so bold?"
Truly I don't know
Why I was released
My fear of the unknown

Unknown lies in the shadows
Unknown dances alongside the leaves
Unknown falls around me like rain

Yet... my fear has ceased
... My fear has ceased


Open Link Night @dVerse!

~ Welcome! Please leave your thoughts below and connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. This is nice and intense. I'm glad the fear was gone at the end.


    1. Hey! I'm so glad to see you here! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. woohoo on an end to fear...we never know the future...and why worry about what is not here yet? now is all we have...smiles.

    1. That's what I finally discovered... not to take today for granted.

  3. Unknown falls around me like rain--Nice!

  4. I am glad that the fear has ceased...but fear can serve the good as well ~

    1. Yes it can be! In this case though... it was keeping me from living the life I should be living. Thanks for stopping by and following!

  5. Actually I was coming at this same kind of need/realization in my poem today coincidentally. When fear holds us in thrall, we must break the chains and finally act - reasonably, and sometimes in unity with others but there comes a time when fear binds by itself. I like the way you composed these thoughts!

  6. finding fearlessness in the midst of darkness and rain, loneliness and shadows...I'm impressed. yet I wonder, why the salty tears?

    1. They flowed due to the realization that I had been wasting my precious days worried about something I shouldn't have been. I wasn't living my life... I was trudging through it. Thank you for wondering and asking!

  7. Fear can sometimes be a good thing but sometimes it can cripple us, and for your sake I am glad it has ended :)

  8. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by to visit my poem! I appreciate every single one of you!

  9. nicely done, great imagine and this

    You ask "Why so bold?"
    Truly I don't know

    I very much felt kinship with.


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